Event Title

Family/Parent Cafes


KU 310

Start Date

18-7-2012 1:45 PM

End Date

18-7-2012 2:45 PM


Find out how a Catholic University partnership with Catholic and public schools, early childhood centers, an Archdiocese, faith based and non-profit community organizations shared Family Cafes with an urban community. Learn how Family Cafes, based on the five protective factors of the Strengthening Families Initiative, provided parents, grandparents, relatives and caregivers with a simple process for sharing support, practical parenting ideas, and community resources. Easy to replicate!

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Jul 18th, 1:45 PM Jul 18th, 2:45 PM

Family/Parent Cafes

KU 310

Find out how a Catholic University partnership with Catholic and public schools, early childhood centers, an Archdiocese, faith based and non-profit community organizations shared Family Cafes with an urban community. Learn how Family Cafes, based on the five protective factors of the Strengthening Families Initiative, provided parents, grandparents, relatives and caregivers with a simple process for sharing support, practical parenting ideas, and community resources. Easy to replicate!