
The Real Question

Document Type




Streaming Media


This video excerpt, from the 1990 video “The Eyes of the Poet,” features Herbert Woodward Martin performing the poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar. Dr. Martin, University of Dayton professor emeritus, is an acclaimed scholar and interpreter of Dunbar’s works.

Run Time

57 sec


Folks is talkin’ ‘bout de money, ‘bout de silvah an’ de gold;
All de time de season’s changin’ an’ de days is gittin’ cold.
An’ dey’s wond’rin’ ‘bout de metals, whethah we’ll have one er two.
While de price o’ coal is risin’ an’ dey’s two months’ rent dat’s due.

Some folks says dat gold’s de only money dat is wuff de name,
Den de othahs rise an’ tell ‘em dat dey ought to be ashame,
An’ dat silvah is de only thing to save us f’om de powah
Of de gold-bug ragin’ ‘roun an’ seekin’ who he may devowah.

Well, you folks kin keep on shoutin’ wif yo’ gold er silvah cry,
But I tell you people hams is sceerce an’ fowls is roostin’ high.
An’ hit ain’t de so’t o’ money dat is pesterin’ my min’,
But de question I want answehed’s how to get at any kin’!
