Professor: Kevin Hallinan

This collection brings together the work of students in the transdisciplinary engineering course Local Sustainability with Abundance, an initiative of the Hanley Sustainability Institute, the School of Engineering, and the Institute of Applied Creativity for Transformation (IACT) at ArtStreet. It aims to create a national model for sustainability education and practices, focusing on energy, food, and connectivity, particularly for urban and rural areas.

Launched in spring 2017, the course encourages students to build upon the work of previous cohorts. By archiving their work in this collection, students allow their counterparts in successive semesters to advance the work already begun rather than start from the beginning.

The course endeavors to ask questions such as:

  • How can we get kids in the city excited about sustainability?
  • How might we support, connect, and create local green businesses?
  • How might the food desert problem be addressed while creating jobs for Daytonians?
  • How might clean energy and energy efficiency in Dayton create jobs for Daytonians?


Browse the Local Sustainability with Abundance Collections:

Sustainability and Connectivity

Sustainability and Energy

Sustainability and Food

Sustainability: General Topics