Metal and Cultural Impact: Metal's Role in the 21st Century | Department of English | University of Dayton


Welcome to the Metal and Cultural Impact (MACI) Conference site. Here, conference attendees can find information for all things having to do with MACI, from the conference schedule, registration, and travel and lodging information to media links and how to contact the members of the planning committee.

MACI is a three-day scholarly conference that looks to examine Metal music’s role in society in in the 21st century. The conference invites scholars and individuals not involved in Metal scholarship to explore broadening and academically diverse field of study. Attendees will have ample opportunities to meet and talk to the presenters and keynote speakers throughout the three days of the event. The University of Dayton Department of English, the Graul Chair in Arts and Languages, and the International Society of Metal Music Studies are the primary sponsors of the conference.

The following pages provide instructions for registration, travel to and around Dayton, and conference event highlights.

Sponsored by: Graul Chair in Arts and Languages & University of Dayton Department of English

Browse the contents of Metal and Cultural Impact: Metal's Role in the 21st Century:

Conference Program
Special Events