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The Theology of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is a topic barely considered in modern theology, but strongly brought to the fore in the apparitions at Fatima and the subsequent apparitions to Sister Lúcia, the last surviving seer of Fatima and other mystics. The analogy or “likeness in difference” between the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the consecration to their Hearts, the Heart of the God-man and the Heart of the most perfect creature, is primary. In “Miserentissimus Redemptor,” Pius XI taught that just as in his agony Jesus not only saw every sin ever committed, he also saw every act of reparation offered to console him, and this on the basis of his beatific vision or infused knowledge (even though the pope did not use this explicit terminology in his encyclical). The teaching of subsequent popes continued in this line. In the past, theologians did explore the topic of Mary’s own infused and even possibly transitory beatific knowledge. Most recently the late Bertrand de Margerie, SJ, who authored notable studies on the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, wrote a very probing investigative essay on Mary’s knowledge, providing many useful references in this regard. The devotion of reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is certainly practiced in the Church, especially on First Saturdays of the month, encouraged by mystics and sanctioned by the Holy See. The fruit of my research, I hope, indicates the solid theological basis for the practice.


Copyright © 2016, Mariological Society of America



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