"UD Students Engaging the Laudato Si Action Platform: An Opportunity fo"
UD Students Engaging the Laudato Si Action Platform: An Opportunity for Collaborative Impact

UD Students Engaging the Laudato Si Action Platform: An Opportunity for Collaborative Impact



Andrew William Bartsch, Eric Hayes Litterer, Kahra Gikanga Loding, Elizabeth E. Miles-Flynn, Leonard Patrick O'Connor, Lizbeth Marie Ramos-Ortiz, Samantha S. Trajcevski


Presentation: 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m., Kennedy Union Torch Lounge

This project reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process.

Course: UDI 262



Aligned with the University of Dayton (UD)’s vision for the common good and the Characteristics of Marianist Universities (https://marianistuniversities.org), UD pledged commitment to the Laudato si Action Platform (LSAP), (https://laudatosiactionplatform.org) journey in October 2021. The LSAP integrates the UN Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), and Catholic social teaching as outlined in Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato si’. Universities are one of the seven major LSAP sectors (https://laudatosiuniversities.com), giving students a unique opportunity to impact change both locally and globally. UD has many student-led organizations dedicated to environmental sustainability, human rights, Marianist community, social justice, advocacy, and more. While many groups engage in outreach, advocacy and activism, the collective impact could be furthered by greater sharing of resources, ideas, and skills around common goals. This interactive session gathers UD student leaders and attendees to share perspectives on how UD can best engage the LSAP goals (caring for the earth, aiding the marginalized, ecological education, economics and spirituality; sustainable living, and community empowerment.) Brief background presentations on the LSAP and the new Marianist Family Encounter Project will be followed by organization leaders sharing how their group’s missions are already achieving aspects of the LSAP goals. In breakout groups, all participants will explore the various ways they can contribute to accomplishing these goals, as well as building upon campus initiatives. They will also share experiences of successful collaboration and envision how student, faculty, and staff collaboration around LSAP goals could create greater collective impact in all aspects of university life and in UD’s relationship with the greater Dayton community. Students will be called to action to create a unifying body to promote coordination between students, faculty, and staff in pursuit of the LSAP goals to amplify UD’s impact on our campus, in our Marianist family, church, and world.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project

Primary Advisor

Leanne M. Jablonski, Tony Neil Talbott

Primary Advisor's Department

Religious Studies


Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals

Partnerships for the Goals; Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

UD Students Engaging the Laudato Si Action Platform: An Opportunity for Collaborative Impact
