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Advanced Water Distribution Modeling and Management builds on Haestad Press’ Water Distribution Modeling book. Addressing the modeling process from data collection to application, Advanced Water Distribution Modeling and Management adds extensive material from an international team of experts from both academia and consulting firms and includes topics such as:

  • In-depth coverage of optimization techniques for model calibration, system design, and pump operations.
  • Advanced water quality modeling topics including tank mixing, water quality solution algorithms, sampling techniques, tracer studies, tank design, and maintenance of adequate disinfectant residuals.
  • Integration of SCADA systems with water distribution modeling for estimating model demands, initial conditions, and control settings; forecasting system operations; calibrating extended-period simulation models; streamlining water quality analysis; and estimating water loss during a main break.
  • The essentials of transient analysis including the causes and sources of transients, as well as the potential effects of transients on water distribution systems.
  • Application of GIS technology for skeletonization, demand allocation, and pipe break analysis; discussion of the technological issues that arise when integrating GIS and water distribution modeling; and the current state of the technology.
  • Use of models to assess water system vulnerability and security, respond to emergencies in real-time, simulate contamination events, prioritize physical security improvements, and unravel past contamination events.



Document Version

Published Version


Chapter 3, by Donald V. Chase, is made available for download from the repository pending permission of the publisher. Permission documentation is on file.


Haestad Press

Place of Publication

Waterbury, CT
