This conference, held in April 2022, asked, "How can we promote the common good when we live in spaces that divide us?"

Brother Raymond L. Fitz, S.M., former president of UD, civic leader, and scholar of Catholic social teaching, raises pointed questions about the common good and our cities. In light of the Marianist charism of building local communities, Fitz asks, how can the church, itself so divided, be a catalyst and partner in building the regional common good? Is regional solidarity possible?


Submissions from 2022


Address: Faith Community Work, Racial Justice, and White Comfort, Korie Little Edwards and Kateri Dillon


Keynote Address: The Common Good in a Divided City, Raymond L. Fitz S.M.


Address: Remembering to Re-Member: Catholic Racism and the Common Good, Maureen O'Connell and Darryl Fairchild


Recommended Resources from Presenters, Participants, and Planners, University of Dayton


Address: Faith Based Community Organizing for a Multiracial Society and Ethical Democracy, Rich Wood, Chuck Mingo, Renard Allen, and Caleb Ingram