Proceedings: 2020 Global Voices on the University of Dayton Campus



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Enhancing Global Consciousness on College Campuses and Beyond: Proceedings of the 2020 Global Voices Symposium


University of Dayton


Markers of pointed challenges to global understanding, relationship building across national boundaries, and development of resilient intercultural competencies abound. Each day, we are confronted with news of geopolitical conflict and violence, news of resurgent ethnocentric nationalisms, news of fear about cross-cultural contact and engagement, and signs of entrenched, willful ignorance about so many of the rich traditions, values, languages, and frameworks of meaning-making that shape the experience of the human family across the globe. As profoundly disturbing as these and related challenges are, it is vitally important for our educational and scholarly work as students, faculty, and staff that we continue to refine and advance UD’s institutional goals for global and intercultural learning, discovery, and engagement.


University of Dayton, immigration, African studies, multiculturalism, multicultural education


International and Comparative Education


These proceedings, free for download but also available for purchase in print for $5 plus tax and shipping, contain content provided by the participants. Some presenters did not include their presentation materials in the proceedings. Texts have been edited for clarity.

Opening Remarks
