Date of Award
Degree Name
M.S. in Education
WordPerfect 5.1 is currently being taught in the Clerk-Typist Program at Pickaway-Ross Vocational Center. WordPerfect 5.1 is one of the newest word processing programs being offered at the school. Students in the Clerk Typist program who learn WordPerfect can expect to be employed in area business offices in a variety of entry-level positions, such as receptionist, general office clerk, clerk-typist, word processing secretary, computer operator, or in any combination of these positions. The Course of Study which is required by the state for all vocational programs states that practical learning opportunities must be organized to assure all students instruction and experience in all tasks included in the program. According to Wesley, Krockover, and Hicks (1985) "Individualized instruction made possible through computers, can provide an educational environment tailored to students learning styles." The abilities are the first important consideration. Students learn faster and remember what they have learned longer if what they are learning is meaningful to them. At Pickaway-Ross Vocational Center, WordPerfect is used on a rotational basis, therefore, a frequency chart is utilized in the development of a progress chart which assures that all students are rotated to experience a variety of tasks or modules of instruction. The role of the instructor will be to review and coach students as they rotate through the modules. Although any method of instruction found to be effective in the training and education of students may be used, individualized instruction, group activities, and simulations are stressed.
Rights Statement
Copyright © 1992, author
Recommended Citation
Grissom, Patricia A., "A student handbook for WordPerfect 5.1" (1992). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 3021.