Mary in catechesis: a comparative study on magisterial catechetical documents and religion textbooks for elementary schools in the United States from 1956-1998
Date of Award
Degree Name
STL: Licentiate of Sacred Theology
International Marian Research Institute (in affiliation with the Marianum)
Advisor: Johann Roten
Theology, Education History, Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, Study and Teaching, Catholic Church, Catechisms, History and Criticism, Catechetics, Catholic Church, Religion in Textbooks, Education, Elementary, United States, History, William H Sadlier, Textbooks
Rights Statement
Copyright © 1998, author
Recommended Citation
Frisk, M. Jean, "Mary in catechesis: a comparative study on magisterial catechetical documents and religion textbooks for elementary schools in the United States from 1956-1998" (1998). Graduate Theses and Dissertations. 6603.