Feko Analysis of Antennas on Plates and the Impact on Tomographic Imaging

Date of Award


Degree Name

Ph.D. in Engineering


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering


Advisor: Michael C. Wicks


Tomography is defined as an image reconstruction technique that exploits different points of view, and different observation points. Generally, tomographic images can be constructed by illuminating the target with microwave signals and measuring the energy that passes through the target e.g. transmission tomography or reflected from the target as in reflection tomography. Reflection tomography is used in some cases when the transmission tomography cannot be accomplished due to physical limitations, or high attenuation losses due to high material impedance. Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) is a common electromagnetic technique used to locate metallic and non-metallic objects buried under the ground. This work discusses the effect of metal side plates on any GPR scanning device. The goal of this research is to improve the underground target image produced by these scanning devices. This research is divided into three main parts. In the first part, we investigate this effect using the EM software FEKO, and we suggest some practical ways to reduce the effect of side-lobes that may appear as a result of these surfaces. Practically, we can reduce the reflected waves from these surfaces by designing the surface from specific materials that can absorb the reflected waves like a Foam, or by changing the placement of both the transmitter {dollar}Tx{dollar} and/or the receiver antenna {dollar}Rx{dollar}. In the second part of this research represents, how we can improve the underground target image in the presence of metal side plates in any scanning vehicle, using a mathematical approach. This approach is based on the truth that the image of the underground target produced using any scanning device can be improved, if we know or can calculate the scattering waves {dollar}E^{sc^2}{dollar} that caused by the vehicle plates itself, or any part of them. Improving target detection performance in the presence of metal side plates for any scanning device is an essential process for two reasons: First, side plates are part of the scanning devices and we cannot eliminate them. Second, Designing the side plates from specific materials that can absorb any unwanted waves is a very complicated and expensive process. In the third part of this work, we studied the effect of metal side plates on non-metallic targets using the same scanning model and the same mathematical approach used in chapter four. This is because the areas to be scanned usually contain different materials such as copper, iron, aluminum, wood, glass, and plastic. These materials can be considered as metallic and non-metallic materials. The simulation results for this term are obtained using the software FEKO.


Electrical Engineering, Electromagnetics, RF Transmitter and Receiver, Antenna, Metallic and Non-Metallic Targets, Target Reflectivity Function

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