A comparison of parent satisfaction in traditional elementary schools and charter elementary schools in one midwestern USA city
This study evaluated after school program (ASP) participation and the growth on Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA) scores in math and reading from spring of one school year (without participation in an ASP) to spring of the following year with an ASP in place to support growth. Participants were 43 boys and girls in the fifth grade for the 2012-2013 school year at South Middle School, a school in a small rural Midwestern town. South Middle School is a public, Title I funded school with 250 fifth and sixth grade students; 52% of students are on free and reduced lunches. A one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted to see if varied levels of participation (high, medium, and low) yielded growth on math and reading OAA scores. Results indicated that while there was individual student growth on math and reading OAA scores for those involved in ASPs, various levels of participation were not significantly correlated with OAA score growth. Implications for future research and ASPs are discussed.