

Many Catholics experience catechetical challenges as they try to keep their faith growing in the midst of “new” truths, spiritual indifference and dwindling Mass attendance. This is especially true for Black Catholics who strive to balance racism in the world and racism in the Church. This article offers a pastoral response that uses story— telling and listening—for catechesis. Using My Story-Your Story as a method of storytelling, the article expounds on how story is the foundation of communication and how it can open catechetical endeavors for the 21st century. My Story-Your Story acknowledges the role our experiences, traditions and culture play in faith formation, positioning it as a method for catechesis. As a pastoral response, it helps each person, particularly marginalized persons, find and use his or her voice for enhancing connections with others as we participate in the building up of God’s kin-dom.


In 2023, all issues of the Journal of the Black Catholic Theological Symposium became available electronically on this site with the permission of the original publisher, Fortuity Press/Hamilton Publishing. All articles now carry the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-NoDerivatives License (CC-BY-NC-ND).