Chaminade's Hope: Gift and Virtue

About the Presenter(s)

Sandra Yocum, Ph.D., University Professor of Faith and Culture, Religious Studies Department


Kennedy Union Room 211

Start Date

4-1-2023 10:00 AM

End Date

4-1-2023 10:50 AM


“Hope gives us wings and the strength to travel through all space.” Father Chaminade thus described hope to Marianist novices in a conference on the love of God. Given that the conference took place in May of 1843 when he was 83 years old, this description should give us pause if we consider all that he endured in his life upended by bloody revolution, the threat of execution, the alienation of exile, and then conflicts within the community he founded. This session will explore the traditions that formed William Joseph Chaminade and others in an enduring practice of hope grounded in the love of God.

Goals for Attendees

1. Expand out understanding of hope as a gift and virtue. 2. Provide attendees Marianist and Catholic resources that attend to habits of hope.

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Jan 4th, 10:00 AM Jan 4th, 10:50 AM

Chaminade's Hope: Gift and Virtue

Kennedy Union Room 211

“Hope gives us wings and the strength to travel through all space.” Father Chaminade thus described hope to Marianist novices in a conference on the love of God. Given that the conference took place in May of 1843 when he was 83 years old, this description should give us pause if we consider all that he endured in his life upended by bloody revolution, the threat of execution, the alienation of exile, and then conflicts within the community he founded. This session will explore the traditions that formed William Joseph Chaminade and others in an enduring practice of hope grounded in the love of God.