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Other Printed Material
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This prayer uses art to bring one to a meditative/contemplative state. Download the document to view the artwork and read the scriptural passage. It includes several components:
Lectio/listening: Be still in mind and body. Breathe slowly, calling on the Holy Spirit to fill your heart. Savor the text and notice any word or phrase that captures your attention.
Visio/gazing: Gaze at the artwork before you. Notice what captures your attention in the artwork.
Meditatio/reflection: Reflect on what you have seen and heard. How do you connect with the reading and the artwork?
Oratio/prayer: When you are ready, speak to God about what you are noticing. This is a conversation from your heart with the Lord.
Contemplatio/contemplation: Spend some silent moments allowing God to be present in your innermost being. Rest in silence with God. Open yourself to whatever kind of new birth God desires to work within you.
actio/action: God’s word gradually but surely transforms us into a greater expression of Christ in the world. Ask God how He wants you to live out anything that came up during this time of prayer.
Marian Library, visio divina, prayer, contemplation, meditation, Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary
eCommons Citation
Retzloff, Bridget and University of Dayton, "Moments with Mary Visio Divina" (2024). Reports and Promotional Materials. 128.
This visio divina prayer is part of the Moments with Mary exhibit in the Marian Library Gallery July 15-Nov. 1, 2024. The works present close and personal moments with Mary through the perspectives of female artists from around the world.