Document Type

Coloring Pages

Publication Date



This is a component of a print in the Marian Library Art and Artifacts Collection, adapted as a coloring activity for prayer and contemplative practice. The original work, by Sister Marion C. Honors, C.S.J., was pen and ink on paper.


Marian Library, Way of the Cross, Stations of the Cross, Passion, Crucifixion, coloring as prayer or contemplative practice

Permission Statement

This item is protected by copyright. It is provided for download with the permission of the artist, Sister Marion C. Honors, C.S.J., for educational and personal use; it cannot be republished in any form without the express permission of the artist. Contributions to Sister Marion's faith community are welcome: Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, 385 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, NY 12110-4799.
