




Instructor's Name

Dr. Kara Getrost



Writing Process

This project, the final writing piece for my English 100 course, was a research and argumentative essay, specifically discussing the ever increasing number of mobile phone bans in educational settings and the ways they can be a benefit to students in the classroom.

This project involved a much research, especially when it came to finding academic journals and studies on the psychological effects of mobile devices on youth, and well as the potential benefits and consequences of phone bans. This research did not end when I started writing the piece, as I felt it beneficial to gather more substantial evidence to add further drive and understanding to each of my points. In finding pieces which took multiple sides on the issue, much of the process involved finding ways to accurately and fairly discuss both sides of the debate as to sustain my credibility and show my open-mindedness to the situation.

This project required a lot of organization of my research and chosen excerpts utilized for evidence; in doing so, I created a chart to sort the main points of my initial sources and found myself shifting excerpts within my essay to better line up with each body paragraphs sub-topic. Overall, this project required a lot of critical thinking and understanding of what my sources were, what I wished to say, and how I could discuss the topic without shutting out other perspectives in sharing my stance on the topic.

Award Winner

The Barbara Farrelly Award for Best Writing of the Issue



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