




Instructor's Name

Alesandro Rojas



Writing Process

I decided to write a research paper on this topic because I personally know people who have regretted their decision to attend a certain college, or college altogether, due various influences that had an impact on their college decision-making process. While many of my friends have regret that stemmed from social circumstances, specifically the partying habits of their peers, there were also a lot of complaints from the economic side of things. College can be expensive even with scholarships and financial aid, causing students to regret their decisions when they see how much debt they're in, causing unneeded additional stress. Personally, I have experienced regret due to economic challenges but even more so familial, as being away from family while in times of need can be challenging. This led me to conduct this research to evaluate how much social, familial, and economic factors effect students and how common feeling regret due to these influences are.

Award Winner

The Barbara Farrelly Award for Best Writing of the Issue



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