

The 65th annual meeting of the Mariological Society of America took place, May 20–23, 2014, at Viterbo University (La Crosse, Wisconsin). The program, entitled “Forty Years after Marialis Cultus: Retrieval or Renewal,” was devoted to this significant document on Marian devotion issued by Paul VI in 1974. We were welcomed to the Diocese of La Crosse by Bishop Patrick Callahan: “For forty years,” he noted, “Pope Paul VI’s Apostolic Exhortation Marialis Cultus has led us deeper in the worship and love of God through the Blessed Virgin Mary, His chosen Vessel of Honor. … My prayer is that your time here will be filled with grace and joy, and, in union with Pope Francis’ prayer for the Church, lead you, filled with hope, to a life of service following Mary’s Son!”


Copyright © 2014, Mariological Society of America



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