Volume 66 (2015) Mary and Holy Families Living Today
The 65th annual meeting of the Mariological Society of America took place May 19-22, 2015, in Hickory, North Carolina. The program theme was “Mary and Holy Families Living Today.”
A print version of the entire volume is available for $15 per copy; use the "Buy print version" button that appears under the image of the journal's cover.
COVER: Image taken from page 6 of Eye Contact with God through Pictures: A Clip Book of Pictures from the Adé Bethune Collection, used with permission of the Archives and Special Collections, St. Catherine University, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Front Matter
Cover, Title Page, Table of Contents
Mariological Society of America
'Mater Ecclesiae': History, Theology, and Consequences
Johann G. Roten
Mary, Spouse of Joseph, Model for Married Life
Joseph Arias
Mary, Mother and Model for Family Life in the Thought of Chiara Lubich and the Experience of the Focolare Movement
Edward L. Looney
Mary and the Domestic Church
M. Danielle Peters
Mary and Catechesis: Transmission of the Faith and Christian Initiation in/by the Family
M. Jean Frisk
The Mother of Fair Love: The Beauty of the Ever-Virgin for the Vocations of Christian Life
Kevin Clarke
Maria 'Lactans' in Depictions of the Holy Family
Cecelia Dorger
Back Matter
International Academic Marian Bibliography 2014-2015
Thomas A. Thompson
Arthur W. Clinton Jr. Scholarships and Awards
Mariological Society of America
Instructions for Ordering the Printed Version
Mariological Society of America