
Volume 67 (2016) Theological Foundations of Devotion to the Heart of Mary

The 67th annual meeting of the Mariological Society of America took place May 17-20, 2016, at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The program theme was “Theological Foundations of Devotion to the Heart of Mary."

A print version of the entire volume is available for $15 per copy; use the "Buy print version" button that appears under the image of the journal's cover.

  • Editor: Father Thomas A. Thompson, S.M., MSA Secretary
  • Managing editor and assistant to the secretary: Cecilia A. Mushenheim

Front Matter


Title Page and Table of Contents
Mariological Society of America


Danielle Peters


Back Matter


Arthur W. Clinton Jr. Scholarships and Awards
Mariological Society of America