"Nuptial Dimension" by Chao Nguyen O.P.

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Throughout the centuries, Christianity has reflected deeply on the Paschal dimension of the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Christian life. However, little has been said of its nuptial character. This essay examines Hans Urs von Balthasar’s theological insights on the Eucharist in both its sacrificial and nuptial dimensions in relationship to the Blessed Virgin Mary. For Balthasar, these dual aspects converge and are exemplified in Our Lady whose fiat at the Annunciation comes to a climax at the Crucifixion. There, she is mystically and nuptially united to the Son who gives himself away eucharistically, and she thus becomes the exemplary bride of Christ. At every celebration of the Mass, therefore, the Church is invited to take on the bridal dimension of the Paschal Mystery by taking on Mary’s own disposition of loving self-sacrifice.



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