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Thanksgiving to the Blessed Virgin Mary of San Juan de los Lagos


The recto has an engraving of the Basilica of Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos with Posada's signature on the bottom left corner. A large procession heading into the basilica spills out into the courtyard outside. The top of the verso carries an engraving from the inside of the basilica, with the image of the Virgin framed by curtains on the left and a clerical figure in biretta standing on a balcony on the right. A crowd stands facing both, with their backs visible. Text is placed so that it appears the crowd is saying: "Adios Virgen de los Lagos / Adios Reina de los cielos; / Adios Templo Sacrosanto / Dentro un ano nos veremos." (in English, "Goodbye Virgin of the Lakes / Goodbye Queen of Heaven; / Goodbye Sacred Temple / In a year we will see each other.") The text is comprised of prayers to Our Lady of San Juan de Los Lagos, naming specific regions of Mexico where pilgrims may have traveled from. Possibly a souvenir from the basilica of Our Lady of San Juan de los Lagos.

Publication Date



Antonio Vanegas Arroyo


Broadside, Mexico, Popular Devotion


Catholic Studies | Graphic Communications | Latin American Languages and Societies


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Accion de gracias a la Santisima Virgen Maria de San Juan de los Lagos



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