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Loa spoken by a cook and water carrier in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary


The recto contains an engraving of two figures, a woman on the left and a man on the right. The woman holds out her finger toward him. A large pot stands between them.

The text is a loa, a short dramatic work that originated in Spain but that proliferated in Latin America. Loas entertained audiences waiting for the beginning of a festival or full length theatrical work. The dialogue of this work in between a cook and a water carrier. When a religious procession passes them, they stop their conversation and join in prayer for Our Lady of the Rosary.

Publication Date



Antonio Vanegas Arroyo


Broadside, Mexico, Popular Devotion


Catholic Studies | Graphic Communications | Latin American Languages and Societies

Loa dicha por una cocinera y un aguador en honor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario



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