- Director's column: At the Manger on CBS This Morning; Marian Library volunteers; sharing library materials and expertise across the curriculum and around the world; invisible work; and a new way of delivering the newsletter.
- Rare books: Treasures of 15th-century Europe
- Staff spotlights: Graduating seniors Melody Conrad and Emily Trick
- Global reach: Myriad materials and myriad languages in the Marian Library
- Diary gives glimpses of art, worship, travel in 1930s Europe
- Recent acquisitions
- Grant funds preservation of Marian stamp collection
- Nativity activity draws 450 students to creche exhibit
- Marian postcards
- New: Spot-the-differences puzzle
Publication Date
University of Dayton. Marian Library
Recommended Citation
University of Dayton. Marian Library, "The Marian Library Newsletter: Issue No. 70" (2020). Marian Library Newsletter. 204.

Included in
Christianity Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons
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