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Publication Source
Air Force Human Resources Laboratory (AFHRL-TR-85-49)
This document consists of an interim report and a final report which describe the second and third phases of a project designed to determine the utility and utilization of sophisticated hardware and software capabilities known as advanced instructional features (AIFs). Used with an aircrew training device (ATD), AIFs permit a simulator instructor to control, monitor, and fabricate simulator training missions. Phase II of the project asked 273 instructor pilots, flight engineers, and radar/navigators from Air Training Command (ATC), Military Airlift Command (MAC), and Strategic Air Command (SAC) to rate each of 16 AIFs on five seven-point rating scales. Phase III extended the survey to 155 electronic warfare and aerial gunnery instructors from ATC, SAC, and TAC training facilities. Based on utility and utilization ratings, the T-5 and T-4 trainers were the most favorably rated by the respondents. They were followed, in order, by the F-4G simulator, B-52 weapon system trainer, and A-10 simulator. The level of AIF use was affected somewhat by hardware and software unreliability, implementation time, functional limitations, and design deficiencies; however, the perceived value of a feature was the most important determiner of its use. It is recommended that: (1) a formal intensive training program be established to teach simulator instructors how to use AIFs more effectively, and (2) future procurement of AIFs be preceded by a detailed front-end analysis that clearly relates AIF capability to training needs. Appendices contain the instructional features, questionnaires, and five data tables. (JB)
Document Version
Published Version
Advanced Instructional Features, Aircrew Training Devices, Flight Simulator, Instructor/Operator Station, Simulator Training
Sponsoring Agency
Operations Training Division, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, Williams Air Force Base, AZ
eCommons Citation
Polzella, Donald J. and Hubbard, David C., "Aircrew training devices: utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase III-Electronic warfare trainers)" (1986). Psychology Faculty Publications. 74.