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An Aircrew Training Device (ATD) is not merely a flight simulator. It is also equipped with sophisticated hardware and software capabilities, known as advanced instructional features (AIFs), that permit a flight crew instructor to control, monitor, and record flight simulation training sessions. A survey conducted at five of the principal Tactical Air Command ATD sites revealed that few instructors receive extensive training in AIF use and that most features are not used very often. Several factors appear to have contributed to the low rate of AIF use. These factors include hardware and/or software unreliability, time-consuming implementation, functional limitations, and design deficiencies. Although many AIFs were judged to have significant value in replacement and/or continuation training, some features need to be made more reliable and user-friendly before their training effectiveness can be ascertained. It was recommended that a more formalized intensive training program for ATD instructors be established. Such a program would not only teach instructors how to use AIFs but, more importantly, how to use them effectively.
Document Version
Published Version
Advanced Instructional Features, Aircrew Training Devices, Flight Simulator, Instructor/Operator Station, Simulator Training
Sponsoring Agency
Operations Training Division, Air Force Human Resources Laboratory, Williams Air Force Base, AZ
eCommons Citation
Polzella, Donald J., "Aircrew training devices: Utility and utilization of advanced instructional features (Phase I-Tactical Air Command)" (1983). Psychology Faculty Publications. 76.
DTIC No.: AD-A135052