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Project Even Start is an intergenerational literacy project that promotes adult literacy, trains parents to support the educational growth of their children, and prepares children for school. The program is designed to facilitate joint participation by parents and children. It includes home-based instruction and child care, and it is integrated within a network of relevant support services such as Head Start, volunteer literacy programs, and legislation such as the Adult Education Act, the Education of the Handicapped Act, and the Job Training Partnership Act. This manual was developed to train Even Start administrators and staff in assessing the effectiveness of their programs. The manual addresses the major components of the evaluation process: (1) definition of literacy and program evaluation; (2) general evaluation methods, concepts, and guidelines; (3) important procedures to follow when conducting a program evaluation; (4) tests and measurement instruments that can be used; (5) general guidelines for recording, storing, and analyzing program effectiveness data; (6) guidelines for documenting the results of the program evaluation, including constructing graphs and tables and writing program evaluation reports; (7) a description of how evaluation results can inform program planning; and (8) an annotated list of resources relating to family literacy program evaluation including 29 books and articles, 9 publishers of tests and measurement instruments, and 11 literacy organizations. (KC)
Document Version
Published Version
Ohio Department of Education, Division of Vocational and Adult Education
Program Evaluation, Family Literacy
Sponsoring Agency
Ohio Department of Education, Division of Vocational and Adult Education
eCommons Citation
Polzella, Donald J. and Fine, Mark A., "A manual for conducting Even Start program evaluations" (1994). Psychology Faculty Publications. 83.
Included in
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research Commons, Language and Literacy Education Commons
Project and report completed for Ohio Department of Education, Division of Vocational and Adult Education.