Document Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Publication Source
American Psychological Association
Three experiments were designed to detect the presence of extrasensory perception (ESP), but no such evidence was found. The results of two surveys (N=788) showed that a large majority of undergraduates (80%) believed that ESP exists, and approximately one-third believed that they had experienced ESP-related phenomena. Belief in ESP was positively and significantly related to Rotter's Internal-External Locus-of-Control scale. In addition, belief in ESP was inversely related to scores on a test of syllogistic reasoning. (This findings were presented at the eighty-third annual convention of the American Psychological Association, August 1975, Chicago, IL.)
Peer Reviewed
eCommons Citation
Polzella, Donald J.; Popp, Richard J.; and Hinsman, M. Christine, "ESP?" (1975). Psychology Faculty Publications. 91.