Complex response data: Evaluating Marian art

Document Type

Book Chapter

Publication Date


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Multivariate humanities: The added value of multivariate data analysis


Main topics. Four categories of paintings of the Virgin Mary in particular two different types of content and executed in two different styles were evaluated by student judges. Data. Each of 89 students judged 24 paintings on 10 bipolar scales. The words in the scales were descriptive, evaluative, or emotional. Research questions. The central question was whether the judgements were influenced by Style (pre-Renaissance and post-Renaissance) and type of Content (event and devotional). An additional question was whether students’ Age and Genderaffected their judgements of the paintings. Another question was the structure of the scales, in particular whether the scales functioned in the same way for all four painting categories. Statistical techniques. Multivariate repeated-measures analysis of variance, principal component analyses, scale analysis, Cronbach’s alpha.

Inclusive pages



Springer Nature

Place of Publication



Marian Art, Multivariate Analysis
