Document Type


Academic Year


Approved Date



Legislative Authority

1. Rationale for the new program, definition of the focus of the program and a brief description of its disciplinary purpose and significance, including unique features of the program (e.g., international study, service learning, research, etc.).:

The Management and Marketing department proposes to offer a new Management major. In many ways this proposal represents a modest revision of the existing International Business Management major (which we plan to discontinue if this proposal is approved). The current International Business Management major requires students to select an emphasis in either Global Markets or International Human Resources.

In contrast, the new Management major does not require students to declare an emphasis; they may opt for a generalist management degree instead. However, students wishing to specialize may choose emphases in International Business (IB) or Human Resources (HR). Structurally, the new Management major parallels our current Marketing major, which permits students to either major in Marketing at a general level, or to specialize in a sub-domain via declaring an emphasis. Structuring broad majors in this way permits greater responsiveness to changing market conditions. For students, this approach creates flexibility and options as students pursue their first jobs after graduation. For the department and SBA, areas of emphases may be added to the curriculum with fewer administrative steps. In talking to employers and alumni, we asked if there were jobs openings specifying International Business credentials for which the Management-with-emphasis would be unacceptable. None indicated that would create a problem.

We are not seeking to diminish the importance of International Business as an academic domain of inquiry. Quite the contrary, the proposed Management major, through the IB emphasis, preserves the character of an International Business major. For example, Management/IB emphasis students must complete a for-credit international educational experience. Indeed, compared to the current International Business Management major, only required three credit hours differ for IB emphasis students under the proposed Management major. Thus, employers seeking to hire students with degrees in International Business will find the new major meets their needs.

We believe the new major will actually grow demand for the study of International Business at the University of Dayton. Under the new major, all Management students regardless of emphases, must complete Survey of International Business (INB 302), increasing exposure to international management concepts. We believe this will draw some additional students to the IB emphasis.

The new Management major should also draw students who may have been confused by the nomenclature of the current major, International Business Management. In speaking to employers, the current major created confusion for students and prospective employers for many entry-level jobs that specify requirements for a Management major. This is especially true for jobs described as a “Management Development program” or “Management trainee” entry positions. The name, International Business Management, may have led to students who did not emphasize international business to be overlooked in their job searches. Hence the new management major directly benefits these students.