

Christian Umberto Fay, Chelsea Renee Jones, Alexandra Nicole Malsch, Megan Estelle Murray


This poster reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process.



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This research aims to determine a relationship between music tempo and running performance. It has been concluded that the presence of music correlates with lower rating of perceived exertion and more positive affect than the absence of music (Hutchinson, Karageorghis, & Jones, 2014). The findings of this study would be of interest to any college student interested in learning whether his or her music choice can improve running performance. Participants will complete three, one mile runs, each with a randomly assigned condition. The conditions include listening to fast tempo music, slow tempo music, or no music. The pace of a fast-tempo song is measured at 200 beats per minute and the pace of a slow-tempo song is measured at 70 beats per minute (Edworthy & Waring, 2006). Athletic performance will be assessed by measuring mile time, rating of perceived exertion using the Borg scale, and post-workout heart rate. We hypothesize that the higher-tempo music will result in the participant to perform better on their running pace. The study is in progress and the findings will be reported at the symposium.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project

Primary Advisor

Haozhou Pu

Primary Advisor's Department

Health and Sport Science


Stander Symposium project

The Effect of Music Tempo on Running Performance in College Students
