Generation of Octave Spanning Spectra directly from a Fiber Oscillator with Self-Similar Pulse Evolution
Ankita Nayankumar Khanolkar
The shortest light pulse that can be generated by a mode-locked laser will always be of fundamental interest to the field of ultrafast science. Mode-locked lasers that produce octave-spanning spectra and few-cycle pulses are very attractive for applications such as frequency comb, high-harmonic generation, and ultrafast spectroscopy. Ti: sapphire lasers still dominate the few cycle regimes with generation of 5 fs pulses and octave spanning spectra directly from laser cavity. Performance of the fiber lasers is improved over the years, but they still lag in terms of high energy and few cycle pulses compared to solid state lasers. We have simulated a mode-locked fiber laser design based on the double clad ytterbium doped fiber with the addition of a dispersive delay line (DDL) before photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and it produced octave spanning spectra extending from 750 nm to 1600 nm (660 nm at -20 dB level). It is scientifically important to realize and stabilize a mode-locked fiber laser with such an extreme perturbation even numerically. To our best knowledge, this is the first numerical evidence demonstrating generation of very broad spectra directly out of a mode-locked fiber laser. Further experimental investigation of this mode-locked fiber laser is currently underway.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Graduate Research
Primary Advisor
Andy Chinyu Chong
Primary Advisor's Department
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"Generation of Octave Spanning Spectra directly from a Fiber Oscillator with Self-Similar Pulse Evolution" (2018). Stander Symposium Projects. 1383.