

Luke Austin Matulewicz



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Being on academic probation is a stressful time for students. Many programs have been designed to specifically help these students return good academic standing; however, there is mixed success. Academic probation can often lead students to taking an extra semester, delaying their graduate, and/or not finish their degree—all of these causing an issue with retention and graduation rates. There has been an increased focus on a workforce with a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education over the years, making it imperative to colleges and universities to effectively graduate their STEM students. This quantitative data analysis looks to examine extrinsic factors, factors out of the students’ control, of students on academic probation in the School of Engineering at the University of Dayton and the correlation to academic attrition. Using mined university data, this research uses statistical tests to find significate factors of attrition from academic probation.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Graduate Research

Primary Advisor

Graham F. Hunter

Primary Advisor's Department

Counselor Education


Stander Symposium project, student affairs, School of Education and Health Sciences

Extrinsic Factors of Academic Probation Attrition of Engineering Students
