

Patrick Caleb Ehrman



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By the time students in the United States reach the fourth grade, the majority do not perform at or above the level of proficiency in mathematics (National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2017). A child’s education in mathematics begins at a very young age. One method by which children are introduced to the basic concepts of math is number books. Traditional number books have been found to be successful in promoting mathematical knowledge, but are stagnant in their difficulty, leaving parents to discern ambiguously when their child is ready to move onto more difficult problem-solving (Elia, Heuvel-Panhuizen & Georgiou, 2010). The present study seeks to discern the effectiveness of new eBook technology, as well as the impact parents have on their children's ability to learn. Specifically, does a discrepancy in the magnitude of the pictures in counting books lead to better learning and does the eBook facilitate learning that overcomes a parent’s anxieties in math. Two different eBooks will be read to thirty randomly selected parent-child pairs at the Dayton Metro Library during their summer Family Story Time sessions. Children will be ages 3-5. A survey will be used post reading to measure the parents’ predisposition towards liking or disliking math, as well as their current methods of math instruction in the home. The results of this study will be assessed using a paired samples t-test. This study predicts that the eBook containing discrepancies in image magnitude will facilitate higher quantity and quality of math-based discourse between parent and child. Additionally, the eBook formatting will help combat the impact a parent’s math anxiety has on their child.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Independent Research

Primary Advisor

Mary Fuhs

Primary Advisor's Department



Stander Symposium project

Impact of Parental Involvement in the use of Adaptive eBook Technology on Preschoolers' Math Skills
