Kinematic Coordination Patterns Change with Task Speed during a Lateral Step Down Task
Lindsey Renee Weisman
This study applied vector coding to analyze a lateral step down task at three different speeds, 45 60, and 75 bpm. Vector coding utilizes points on an angle-angle diagram to create an angle between two sequential points. An angle-angle diagram is a plot that has joint angles plotted on the x- and y-axis. For this test, the two angles studied were the knee angle from the sagittal plane and the pelvis angle from the frontal plane. The angle calculated from vector coding is the coupling angle which can be classified into four coordination patterns. Analysis of the coordination patterns determines the overall performance. The study found that subjects tended to compensate with increased pelvis motion at slower speeds; therefore, performance deteriorated with decreased speed.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Independent Research
Primary Advisor
Joaquin A. Barrios, Allison L. Kinney, David M. Werner
Primary Advisor's Department
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"Kinematic Coordination Patterns Change with Task Speed during a Lateral Step Down Task" (2019). Stander Symposium Projects. 1674.