Gina Elizabeth Martinette
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The purpose of this study was to better understand the connection between poor health and intention to seek follow-up care. The study focused on the Hispanic population of the Greater Dayton Area. A survey was adapted from the Theory of Planned Behavior which served as the measure for intention to seek follow-up care. This survey was administered at three separate health fairs. The purpose of a community health fair was to provide baseline measurements for participants, including BMI, body composition, blood pressure, blood glucose, triglyceride levels, etc. The intention to seek follow-up care was then compared with BMI, blood glucose levels and triglyceride levels. It was found that what most strongly correlated with intention to seek follow- up care was the attitude held by the participant about access.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Honors Thesis
Primary Advisor
Diana Cuy Castellanos
Primary Advisor's Department
Health and Sport Science
Stander Symposium project
Recommended Citation
"Community Health Fairs and Intention to Seek Follow-up Care among the Hispanic Population of Dayton, Ohio" (2019). Stander Symposium Projects. 1712.