Twin Towers Community Nutrition Assessment (micro-level)

Twin Towers Community Nutrition Assessment (micro-level)



Emily Rose Fritz, Lauren Elizabeth Lynch, Michelle Ann Schick, Leah Elizabeth Wagner


This poster reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process.



The Twin Towers neighborhood is a low-income community in East Dayton, located about 1.5 miles away from the University of Dayton campus. The purpose of this assessment was to identify various dietary contributing factors so an appropriate intervention can be implemented to improve the dietary habits of those families and children living in the Twin Tower neighborhood. The objectives were to determine dietary intake, anthropometric, and physical activity habits of the population using secondary and primary data sources. Through a self-reported survey, we found that 81% of the sample population was overweight or obese and exercised an average of 45 minutes each week, which is below the recommendation for physical activity. Generally, families in low income communities have a high intake of saturated fat and a lower intake of fruits and vegetables. Due to this information gained, we recommend implementing a multi-component nutrition and physical activity intervention addressing the overweight/obesity epidemic, as well as the lack in physical activity seen among those in the Twin Towers neighborhood.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Course Project

Primary Advisor

Diana Cuy Castellanos

Primary Advisor's Department

Health and Sport Science


Stander Symposium project

Twin Towers Community Nutrition Assessment (micro-level)
