

Lily Carolyn Behnke



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The development and use of new alternative jet fuel blends and high energy molecules has the potential to greatly improve conventional jet fuels, both environmentally and economically. These fuels and blends are dependent upon their performance and operability standards as well as the chemical and physical properties of the novel molecules within them. High energy molecules have the potential to increase the total specific energy (MJ/kg) and energy density (MJ/L) values of a fuel with the intention of increasing overall aircraft efficiency. The properties of these high energy molecules are essential in determining their viability for blending and optimization, and therefore must be thoroughly analyzed to consider the eligibility of these molecules. The blending of novel high energy molecules with conventional jet fuels are bounded by ASTM specifications to produce alternative jet fuel blends that could be implemented in commercial airlines. With a global optimum in mind, the progression of alternative jet blends has the potential to improve aviation by lowering gas emissions and improving overall aircraft performance.

Publication Date


Project Designation

Independent Research

Primary Advisor

Joshua S. Heyne

Primary Advisor's Department

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering


Stander Symposium project

The Importance of Novel Molecule Properties in the Formation and Advancement of Alternative Jet Fuel Blends
