Isolated microbial life of soil samples
Mackenzie T. Kincaid
Category: Goal 3 - Good Health and Well Being Advisors: Yvonne Sun, Jessica GeyerName: Mackenzie Kincaid Title: Isolated Microbial Life of Soil Samples Abstract: In response to the overuse of antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, multi-drug resistant (MDR) bacteria have emerged and are no longer affected by standard treatments. In order to overcome these resistant microbes, there is a demand in research to find and develop new antimicrobials. Environmental bacteria use antimicrobial properties against other bacteria as a way to compete for resources, increase their fitness and ultimately reproduce successfully. These antimicrobials can be developed into an antibiotic, while other forms can be synthetically produced. As a component of the Small World Initiative, the goal of this project was to isolate different bacterial species from the soil and screen them for production of antimicrobial properties. Zones of inhibitions were utilized to detect antimicrobial activity and indicate if known clinically relevant pathogens are susceptible. The bacterial isolates that exhibited zones of inhibition underwent a series of biochemical tests to determine bacterial type. The antibiotic resistance crisis and development of new antibiotics will be aided with the contributions of this research and its relevance to the field of medicine.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project
Primary Advisor
Jessica Elizabeth Geyer, Yvonne Y. Sun
Primary Advisor's Department
Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Good Health and Well-Being
Recommended Citation
"Isolated microbial life of soil samples" (2020). Stander Symposium Projects. 1948.

This project reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process. Course: BIO 411L 03