Alicia Adams
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According to previous research done, first-generation college students (FGS) are twice as likely to leave four-year institutions as non-FGS's. This population is under-prepared for the struggles they will face throughout the development in a college setting. This study provides insight into some of the risk factors plaguing FGS as well as how they affect their success, gives a voice to an otherwise marginalized population, and supplies beneficial information to higher education professionals. Through focus groups, FGS were able to share their stories and struggles with other students on campus to help the researcher better understand the hurdles that they face throughout their college experience. Through verifying themes, major risk factors were identified and recommendations for ways to support this population were made to higher education professionals.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Graduate Research
Primary Advisor
Nasser Razek
Primary Advisor's Department
Counselor Education and Human Services
Stander Symposium project, student affairs, School of Education and Health Sciences
Recommended Citation
"Not a Family Tradition: First-generation College Student Success" (2013). Stander Symposium Projects. 195.