Alyssa Miller
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A Superfund Site is a contaminated area designated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that poses a risk to human health and must be cleaned up and remediated. Not only can a Superfund Site’s contamination affect residents’ health, but it can also jeopardize their property value and community life. Drawing on the human rights framework, international doctrines, and peer reviewed research, this poster proposes a conceptual framework for how residents’ social positionality, perceived risk, and trust in government could influence a community member’s ability to take action around such Superfund sites. This review of the literature is framed within the context of an underfunded and understaffed program which has resulted in a backlog of contaminated sites that require remediation. The findings from this literature review are contributing to a broader Environmental Justice in Greater Old North Dayton research project led by Dr. Danielle Rhubart which is focusing on three of the currently six Superfund sites within Dayton, Ohio, including Behr Dayton Thermal System VOC Plume, the North Sanitary Landfill (i.e. Valleycrest Landfill), and Valley Pike VOC. This poster will end with a brief snapshot of how these findings shed light on the survey findings from that project.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Graduate Research
Primary Advisor
Danielle C. Rhubart
Primary Advisor's Department
Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work
Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Good Health and Well-Being
Recommended Citation
"Taking Action: How Community Residents’ Positionality, Trust in the Government, and Risk Perceptions affect Advocacy in the Superfund Process" (2020). Stander Symposium Projects. 1974.