Isabel Zavala
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Most of the SDGs are connected. One cannot improve without the other. In order to bring an end to violence in Dayton, one needs to solve the issues within poverty and education before an end to violence can happen. Those issues are driving forces for violence. Institutions have power, power to make an impact on many people. I have learned Dayton has a lot of resources to help people but not many are aware of them. Educating people on resources as well as giving people hope, showing they do not have to live the way they grow up is huge. Dayton tries, but there is still a lot to be done. An end to violence is a far away goal, but lessening violence is more feasible as a short-term goal. Everyone deserves to live a safe and happy life without worrying about what atrocity might happen next. Dayton can be the leader in reforming itself into a human rights city, just as Ohio has led the fight against COVID-19.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project
Primary Advisor
Tony Neil Talbott
Primary Advisor's Department
Human Rights Center
Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences, Human Rights Center
Recommended Citation
"Bringing an End to Violence in Dayton, Ohio" (2020). Stander Symposium Projects. 2064.

This poster reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process. Course: POL 334