Cassie Marie Austin
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The Campus Sustainability Footprint Assessment provides a baseline summary of the University of Dayton’s sustainability footprint and how it has changed over the past ~10 years. Although UD has regularly collected and reported sustainability data, this report synthesizes the data to assess sustainability progress, identify trends, and provide recommendations for how to reduce emissions and increase sustainability practices on campus. In partnership with sustainability tracking efforts of Facilities Management, the data used in this project was collected for previous reports to the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) and Sustainability Indicator Management Analysis Platform (SIMAP).
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project
Primary Advisor
Leah J. Ceperley
Primary Advisor's Department
Hanley Sustainability Institute
Stander Symposium project, College of Arts and Sciences
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Climate Action; Responsible Consumption and Production
Recommended Citation
"Campus Sustainability Footprint Assessment at the University of Dayton" (2022). Stander Symposium Projects. 2517.

Presentation: 9:00 a.m.-9:20 a.m., Kennedy Union 211
This project reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process.
Course: MPA 597