Lindsey Young
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While a student’s time in higher education is expected to be a little overwhelming at times undergraduate students are facing stress and anxiety at alarming rates. The purpose of this qualitative study is to investigate how a simple daily practice of self-affirmation could potentially influence shifts in undergraduate college students’ social and mental well-being. Over a six-week time span, eight students practiced self-affirmation practices and completed bi-weekly virtual reflections regarding the current state of their stress and stress management. Results show students experiencing better overall resilience when stress occurs. The intent of this study is to advance knowledge regarding how to best promote holistic well-being in the lives of undergraduate students.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Graduate Research
Primary Advisor
Graham F. Hunter
Primary Advisor's Department
Counselor Education
Stander Symposium project, student affairs, School of Education and Health Sciences
Recommended Citation
"Building Stress Resilience in Undergraduates: An Examination of Self-Affirmation and Stress Resilience in Students" (2022). Stander Symposium Projects. 2690.
Presentation: 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., LTC Studio