Community nutrition assessment, intervention and evaluation: Engaging with various community partners in Harrison Township
Amelia Deerwester, Emma Klinger, Anna Madachy, Madeline Dodenhoff, Khala Powell, Maria Vilsack, Nicole Palmieri, Meghan McCabe, Erin Prendergast, Lori Rakes, Anna White, Sarah McDonnell, Anna Carragher, Ian McDonald, Travis Manring, Jenna Brus, Katherine Borst, Matthew Stubenfoll, Kassidy McGlone, Caitlin Sheehan, Brooklynn Kaylor-Owens, Benjamin Russell Ronald Jones
Five group of students in the community nutrition course engaged with three community partners within or near Harrison Township: Northridge Schools, the Wesley Center and New City Church. Each group completed a community nutrition needs assessment to identify a nutrition problem within the target population and assets within the community. Secondly, they developed and implemented a nutrition intervention to address the identified problem. Lastly, they evaluated the intervention using process, impact and outcome-based measures. For this presentation, each group will present their findings and discuss the development and implementation of the nutrition intervention.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project 202310 HSS 302 01
Primary Advisor
Diana Cuy Castellanos
Primary Advisor's Department
Health and Sport Science
Stander Symposium, School of Education and Health Sciences
Institutional Learning Goals
Community; Scholarship; Diversity
Recommended Citation
"Community nutrition assessment, intervention and evaluation: Engaging with various community partners in Harrison Township" (2023). Stander Symposium Projects. 2921.
Presentation: 9:00-10:40 a.m., Science Center 114 - Auditorium