IoT Based Humidity and Temperature Monitoring
Saiprakash Reddy Veeramalla
Using Internet of Things (IOT), we can control any electronic equipment in homes and industries. Moreover, you can read a data from any sensor and analyse it graphically from anywhere in the world. Here, we can read temperature and humidity data from DHT11 sensor and upload it to a ThingSpeak cloud using Arduino Uno and ESP8266-01 module. Arduino Uno is MCU, it fetch a data of humidity and temperature from DHT11 sensor and Process it and give it to a ESP8266 Module.ESP8266 is a WiFi module, it is one of the leading platform for Internet of Things. It can transfer a data to IOT cloud
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project 202310 CPS 592 02
Primary Advisor
Andrew Rettig, Ryan Lambdin, Ruthvik Kolli
Primary Advisor's Department
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stander Symposium, School of Engineering
Recommended Citation
"IoT Based Humidity and Temperature Monitoring" (2023). Stander Symposium Projects. 3114.

Presentation: 10:00 a.m-12:00 p.m., Kennedy Union Torch Lounge