The Effects of Fatigue on Landing Forces in Competitive Female Irish Dancers
Anna Robinson
Lower extremity injuries are highly prevalent within the Irish dance population, yet research surrounding potential determinants is scarce. Many movements, particularly jumps, in Irish dance are constituted by a one-foot landing with the ankle in a plantarflexed position and the knee fully extended. This unique landing technique is contrary to other forms of dance, such as ballet, where landings typically allow for some knee flexion in a plie-like position. Subsequently, this aesthetic constraint requires large amounts of strength and balance, in addition to forcing the structures of the foot and ankle to absorb the entire shock of the landing. This study aims to determine the effect that fatigue has on landing forces following the 360 spin move, which is characterized by the dancer jumping off the ground from their lead foot, making a full 360° turn in the air before landing on the opposite foot. Since fatigue has been shown to play a role in ground reaction force, in addition to overall center of pressure, this study focuses on establishing how the lower extremities react when trying to stop the turning motion following this jump. Through having competitive female Irish dancers perform the 360 spin under both fatigued and non-fatigued trials with all landings taking place on a force plate, the changes in ground reaction force and center of balance can be determined. The results from this study will be able to direct future research in establishing additional injury risks associated with the Irish dance technique in order to correctly aim injury prevention measures.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Honors Thesis
Primary Advisor
Kim E. Bigelow
Primary Advisor's Department
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Stander Symposium, School of Engineering
Institutional Learning Goals
Scholarship; Vocation; Practical Wisdom
Recommended Citation
"The Effects of Fatigue on Landing Forces in Competitive Female Irish Dancers" (2024). Stander Symposium Projects. 3494.

Presentation: 11:15-11:30, Kennedy Union Boll Theatre