Erin T. Brown
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This research explored the differences between advisers in the school of business and the engineering department. It provides an interactive opportunity for participants to share their opinions. The significance of this qualitative study is to help higher education institutions continue to develop an environment, which will best fit students with their different needs. According to the research that has been found, both faculty and professional advisers have positive and negative attributes (Filson 2011). This research shows that it is vital for student affairs professionals to take a closer look at the effect academic advisers have on the student experience.
Publication Date
Project Designation
Course Project
Primary Advisor
Nasser Razek
Primary Advisor's Department
Counselor Education and Human Services
Stander Symposium project, student affairs, School of Education and Health Sciences
Arts and Humanities | Business | Education | Engineering | Life Sciences | Medicine and Health Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
"A Personal Touch to Advising: A Comparison of Two Academic Advising Models at a Mid-Western Catholic Institution" (2015). Stander Symposium Projects. 660.
![A Personal Touch to Advising: A Comparison of Two Academic Advising Models at a Mid-Western Catholic Institution](
Included in
Arts and Humanities Commons, Business Commons, Education Commons, Engineering Commons, Life Sciences Commons, Medicine and Health Sciences Commons, Physical Sciences and Mathematics Commons, Social and Behavioral Sciences Commons
This poster reflects research conducted as part of a course project designed to give students experience in the research process.